----define alert_length="2000"
drop table alert_log purge;
create table alert_log ( alert_date date, alert_text varchar2(3999) ) storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
create index alert_log_idx on alert_log(alert_date) storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
column db new_value _DB noprint;
column bdump new_value _bdump noprint;
select instance_name db from v$instance;
select value bdump from v$parameter
where name ='background_dump_dest';
drop directory BDUMP ;
create directory BDUMP as '&&_bdump';
drop table alert_log_disk purge;
create table alert_log_disk ( text varchar2(3999) )
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory BDUMP
access parameters (
records delimited by newline nologfile nobadfile
fields terminated by "&" ltrim
reject limit unlimited;
----drop table alert_log purge;
----drop directory BDUMP ;
----drop table alert_log_disk purge;
isdate number := 0;
start_updating number := 0;
rows_inserted number := 0;
alert_date date;
max_date date;
alert_text alert_log_disk.text%type;
select max(alert_date) into max_date from alert_log;
if (max_date is null) then
max_date := to_date('8-nov-2011', 'dd-mon-yyyy');
end if;
for r in (
select substr(text,1,180) text from alert_log_disk
---- text not like '%offlining%'
---- and text not like 'ARC_:%'
---- and text not like '%LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1%'
---- and text not like '%Thread 1 advanced to log sequence%'
---- and text not like '%Current log#%seq#%mem#%'
---- and text not like '%Undo Segment%lined%'
---- and text not like '%alter tablespace%back%'
---- and text not like '%Log actively being archived by another process%'
---- and text not like '%alter database backup controlfile to trace%'
---- and text not like '%Created Undo Segment%'
---- and text not like '%started with pid%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-12012%'
text like 'ORA-%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-06512%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-000060:%'
---- and text not like '%coalesce%'
---- and text not like '%Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA%'
---- and text not like '%Completed checkpoint up to RBA%'
---- and text not like '%specifies an obsolete parameter%'
---- and text not like '%BEGIN BACKUP%'
---- and text not like '%END BACKUP%'
isdate := 0;
alert_text := null;
select count(*) into isdate
from dual
where substr(r.text, 21) in ('2011')
and r.text not like '%cycle_run_year%';
if (isdate = 1) then
select to_date(substr(r.text, 5),'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss rrrr')
into alert_date
from dual;
if (alert_date > max_date) then
start_updating := 1;
end if;
alert_text := r.text;
end if;
if (alert_text is not null) and (start_updating = 1) then
insert into alert_log values (alert_date, substr(alert_text, 1, 180));
rows_inserted := rows_inserted + 1;
end if;
end loop;
sys.dbms_output.put_line('Inserting after date '||to_char(max_date, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'));
sys.dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted: '||rows_inserted);
select * from alert_log
----define alert_length="2000"
drop table alert_log purge;
create table alert_log ( alert_date date, alert_text varchar2(3999) ) storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
create index alert_log_idx on alert_log(alert_date) storage (initial 512k next 512K pctincrease 0);
column db new_value _DB noprint;
column bdump new_value _bdump noprint;
select instance_name db from v$instance;
select value bdump from v$parameter
where name ='background_dump_dest';
drop directory BDUMP ;
create directory BDUMP as '&&_bdump';
drop table alert_log_disk purge;
create table alert_log_disk ( text varchar2(3999) )
organization external (
type oracle_loader
default directory BDUMP
access parameters (
records delimited by newline nologfile nobadfile
fields terminated by "&" ltrim
reject limit unlimited;
----drop table alert_log purge;
----drop directory BDUMP ;
----drop table alert_log_disk purge;
isdate number := 0;
start_updating number := 0;
rows_inserted number := 0;
alert_date date;
max_date date;
alert_text alert_log_disk.text%type;
select max(alert_date) into max_date from alert_log;
if (max_date is null) then
max_date := to_date('8-nov-2011', 'dd-mon-yyyy');
end if;
for r in (
select substr(text,1,180) text from alert_log_disk
---- text not like '%offlining%'
---- and text not like 'ARC_:%'
---- and text not like '%LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1%'
---- and text not like '%Thread 1 advanced to log sequence%'
---- and text not like '%Current log#%seq#%mem#%'
---- and text not like '%Undo Segment%lined%'
---- and text not like '%alter tablespace%back%'
---- and text not like '%Log actively being archived by another process%'
---- and text not like '%alter database backup controlfile to trace%'
---- and text not like '%Created Undo Segment%'
---- and text not like '%started with pid%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-12012%'
text like 'ORA-%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-06512%'
---- and text not like '%ORA-000060:%'
---- and text not like '%coalesce%'
---- and text not like '%Beginning log switch checkpoint up to RBA%'
---- and text not like '%Completed checkpoint up to RBA%'
---- and text not like '%specifies an obsolete parameter%'
---- and text not like '%BEGIN BACKUP%'
---- and text not like '%END BACKUP%'
isdate := 0;
alert_text := null;
select count(*) into isdate
from dual
where substr(r.text, 21) in ('2011')
and r.text not like '%cycle_run_year%';
if (isdate = 1) then
select to_date(substr(r.text, 5),'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss rrrr')
into alert_date
from dual;
if (alert_date > max_date) then
start_updating := 1;
end if;
alert_text := r.text;
end if;
if (alert_text is not null) and (start_updating = 1) then
insert into alert_log values (alert_date, substr(alert_text, 1, 180));
rows_inserted := rows_inserted + 1;
end if;
end loop;
sys.dbms_output.put_line('Inserting after date '||to_char(max_date, 'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS'));
sys.dbms_output.put_line('Rows Inserted: '||rows_inserted);
select * from alert_log
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